Friday, October 18, 2019

Review: Private Vegas

Private Vegas Private Vegas by James Patterson
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

2.5 stars. I would probably rate this book higher if I wasn't breaking my rule about not listening to books in the same series back-to-back-to-back as I likely wouldn't have remembered some of the details. I was excited to see that Maxine Paetro was the co-author of this one as I generally like her books.

But alas, I also like continuity. I'm 99% sure that in the last U.S. based book, Justine, who was a pretty focal character had two dogs, not a dog and a cat. But it's apparently been at least 6 months since that one so maybe those dogs died and she got new pets.

That aside, I was expecting more of this book to take place in Vegas since all the other books have taken place in the location of their title, but this one took place primarily in L.A. As always, there were multiple mysteries taking place here: Private finding their hands tied when two suspects have diplomatic immunity, leaving them free to terrorize women (the part that takes place in Vegas), cars are being blown-up in the area where Jack lives (including Jack's) and Private investigator and Jack's best friend, Rick Del Rio, is on trial for the attempted murder of his ex-girlfriend, prompting Jack's twin brother (who apparently is no longer under investigation for murder? Again, what happened there?) to once again to try to buy out Private and merge it with his company, Private Security. Oh, and one of Jack's oldest clients (both in age and tenure) who he inherited with Private is convinced his trophy wife is trying to kill him.

I liked some things about this book: I really like the team in the U.S. office and they seemed pretty true to character, despite another switch in co-author (Paetro did write one of the earlier books as well). I thought the "class" on how to bag a billionaire husband was hysterical. I honestly did not know which way Rick's trial was going to go so that intrigued me. The part that actually took place in Vegas didn't really seem to flow with the rest of the book and didn't hold my interest that much. But the end, when Jack has his suspicions that Justine has started to date someone else confirmed? Let's just say Jack wasn't the only one who didn't see that coming! I'm looking forward to the next book just to see what happens there.

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